
Monday, 23 April 2012


The earliest computers were programmed by arranging various wires and switches within the computer components. In the ENIAC, upto six thousand switches could be set to execute programmes. When a new programme was to be run, all the switches had to be rest. The EDSAC, the first stored programme computer allowed instructions to be entered into primary storage without switches having to be rewired or rest. Special codes that later becam known as machine language were used to enter the instructions. In the mid 1950s the development of FORTRAN signaled the beginning of a trned towards more sophisticated ways of giving computers instructions, these high level programming languages emphasized procedured and problem solving rather than the operation of the computer hardware. The lowest level language is machine language, the language of the computer. Machine language is the only language that a computer can recognize and act on directly. Machine language is the most efficient language that allows the programmer of fully use the computer's potential for processing data. But it is difficult for a programmer to learn and remember. Assembly languages were developed to overcome the disadvantages of machine languages. The programmer uses mnemonics instead of 1's and 0's to specify machine operations. The mnemonics are English like abbreviations for the machine language instructions. For example LDA stands for load in register A and STB stands for store in register B. Assembly languages programmes are highly efficient in terms of storage space use and fast processing. During the past fifty year nearly five hundred computer languages have been developed. These language have been categorized as Machine languages. Assembly languages and symbolic languages.


Service programmes make life as a user a little easier. It can be further subdivided into
  • Utlity Programms
  • Library Programms
  • Device Drivers
Hundreds of utility programms help us a better manage available hardware, software and data resources. Although an operating system usually works behind the scenes. there are times when you need utilities or utility software, to do things such as prepare disc to store data, detect computer viruses on a disc, prepare, copy, merge, sort out and update files. Protects monitor screen from burning during idle monitors by screen saver utility programme thus prolonging the life of monitor. A text editor utility programme such as Wrodstar, Wordperfect, Norton's editor etc., is used to create and modify a document another popular utility programme called data compression, help us reduce the size of a stored image/text for more efficient transmission over a data communication link.

Library programme maintains a directory of frequently used software module and their locations. These programmes migh consist of manufacturer supplied or user written routines or complete programms to computer mathematical functions such as root, exponential function and matrix inversion, control input/output devices, maintain appointments and so on. The library programms makes these routines available when requested by the user, the operating system or an application programme.

The type of programme require to run peripheral devices such as mouse, keyboard, floppy disk, CD-ROM modem, printer etc., reqire to install software that tells your computer how to use the device. This type of software is called device driver. When you purchase a hardware device, you also receive a disk containing a device driver.

A system programme may, for example allocate storage for data being entered into the system. The programme varies from computer to computer and cannot be used on different machines unless they are modified. System software is usually provided by the computer manufacturer or a specialized software developing firm.

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