
Saturday, 21 April 2012



A computer is the most versatile machine in the history that has ehanced the mental capability of human and has relieved him from mental labour. A computer can produce typeset documents, manipulate data, translate Japanese into English, compose music, design spacecrafts, control and regulate industrial plants, diagnose diseases produce piece of art, forecast weather, control flights, keep track of reservation, provide world wide data communication become partner to play games and much more.

All this versatility that a computer acquires is due to the software. Software can be as the driving force of computer without which it would be nothing except a well constructed combination of electronic device and circuits.

We interact with software to direct the overall activities within a computer. For example, if you wish to print a spreadsheet, you choose print command from your spreadsheep software's menu options. The print routine programme is executed, performing the internal operation needed to print your spreadsheet. Computer hardware is useless without software, that runs the computer for specific task. Similarly software is useless without hardware.

A computer programme is a set of detailed, step by step instructions tell a computer how to solve a problem or carry out a task. The step in a programme is written in a language that the computer can interpret or understand. It is the programme that controls the processing activities of a computer and tells the computer what to do and is referred as software. In order to produce useful output, the hardware and software must work together.


Software can be divided into two main groups:
  • Sytem Software: Which coordinate the operation of the computer and helps the computer to carry out its basic tasks.
  • Application Software: Which solve particular user problems and helps the user to carry out a task.
System Software and Application Software can be further subdivided into the following groups:


System software includes the programms that directly affect the operation of the computer. They are designed to facilitate the use of the hardware and to help the computer system run quickly and efficiently. They direct the fundamental operations of your computer such as displaying information on the screen, storing data on disks, sending data to the printer, interpreting the typed commands and communicate with peripheral devices. In addition system software provides a foundation so that application software operates correctly and use peripheral devices properly. System software can be divided into three main groups.

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